RCP Stroke Guideline- Clinical


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Evidence-based stroke care at your fingertips from the Royal College of Physicians.This app provides immediate access to the National clinical guideline for stroke 2012 (Royal College of Physicians), which provides comprehensive guidance on the stroke care pathway from acute care, through rehabilitation and secondary prevention on to long-term support. It informs healthcare professionals, stroke survivors and their carers, and those responsible for commissioning services about the care stroke patients should receive and how this should be organised. Its goal is to improve the quality of care for everyone who has a stroke, regardless of age, gender, type of stroke, or where the patient is. It is relevant to people in all countries.
Features include:• An intuitive index that covers a range of topics and the relevant recommendations • Profession-specific guidelines• Interactive algorithms to aid clinicians in the management of patients• User-defined bookmarks• A full navigable guideline